[ Members ]

Prof. Dr. Volker Blanz

Since October 2005, I am leading the research group Media Systems (Medieninformatik) within the newly founded Institute for Vision and Graphics at University of Siegen, Germany.
The focus of my research is in computer graphics, machine vision, machine learning and human perception. I have studied Physics at the University of Tübingen, and worked as a researcher at Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics (Tübingen), at ATT Bell Labs and MIT (Cambridge, Mass.), at University of Freiburg and at Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Computer Graphics Group (Saarbrücken) where I was heading the research group "Learning-Based Modeling of Objects" within the Max-Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (Saarbrücken / Stanford).

Prof. Dr. Volker Blanz
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV
Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstr. 3
57076 Siegen
Room: H-C 6312
Phone: +49-271-740-2035
Fax: +49-271-740-2038

Donnerstags, 13.00-15.00

M.Sc. Katrin Schnieber

M.Sc. Katrin Schnieber
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV
Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstr. 3
57076 Siegen
Room: H-C 6315
Phone: +49-271-740-3453

[ Alumni ]

M.Sc. Noha Abdelkarim

M.Sc. Noha Abdelkarim
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV
Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstr. 3
57076 Siegen
Room: H-C 6316
Phone: +49-271-740-2036

Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Klinkert

Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Klinkert
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV

Dr. Mai Lan Ha

Dr. Mai Lan Ha
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV

Dr.-Ing. Marcel Piotraschke

Dr.-Ing. Marcel Piotraschke
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV

Dr.-Ing. Matthaeus Schumacher

Dr.-Ing. Matthaeus Schumacher
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV

Dr.-Ing. Davoud Shahlaei

Davoud's PhD has been jointly funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) research training group `Imaging New Modalities' and University of Siegen. During his studies, he has been working as a full time research associate at the chair for Media Systems (Medieninformatik) in the Institute for Vision and Graphics at the University of Siegen, Germany. He also holds a M.Sc. in Media and Computing and a B.Sc. in Computer Science. His research is focused on inverse lighting of face images. After his PhD, he has entered industry to expand his experience in automotive and mobility context. Some of his research interests are computer vision, computer graphics, image processing, visual perception, music analysis and machine learning.

Dr.-Ing. Davoud Shahlaei
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV

Dipl.-Ing. Björn Schiefen

Dipl.-Ing. Björn Schiefen
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV

Dr.-Ing. Joanna Czajkowska

Dr.-Ing. Joanna Czajkowska
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV

Dr.-Ing. Michael Banf

Dr.-Ing. Michael Banf
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV

Dr.-Ing. Pia Breuer

In March 2006, I have started to work at the research group Media Systems (Medieninformatik) as a research assistant.
I studied Computational Visualistics (Computervisualistik) at the University of Koblenz-Landau and completed my degree with my diploma thesis about "Entwicklung einer prototypischen Gestenerkennung unter Verwendung einer IR-Tiefenkamera" at the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication IMK division NetMedia in Sankt Augustin.

Dr.-Ing. Pia Breuer
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV

Dr. Marc Strickert

I studied Applied Systems Science (Dipl. Systemwiss.) at the Institute of Ecosystems Research at the University of Osnabr\FCck (1994-2000), thesis about nonlinear time series analysis in eco systems. I was PhD-student at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Osnabr\FCck (2000-2004), thesis about self-organizing artificial neural networks for multivariate time series processing. My first PostDoc was at the Leibniz Institute of Crop Plant Research (IPK) in Gatersleben before becoming leader of the junior research group Data Inspection at IPK, founded by the Ministery of Culture of Saxony-Anhalt, with topics in statistical analysis of biological array and sequence data (2007-2010). Since February 2010 I am a member of the Graduiertenkolleg 1564 Imaging new Modalities at the University of Siegen with a focus on analysis of terahertz data.

Dr. Marc Strickert
Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Fakultät IV

© Universitiy of Siegen, Chair of Media Informatics 2022© Sascha Nesch 2009